The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual
I have been studying for my amateur radio technician class license since October 2017. After deciding to pursue the certification I quickly searched on Amazon and bought the The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual (affiliate link). I didn’t put much research behind it, because I just wanted to get started. While I was waiting for it to arrive I borrowed Ham Radio for Dummies (affiliate link)from my local library. Turns out that was also written by Ward Silver (N0AX). Although it was helpful to understand what amateur radio is, it wasn’t designed to help you learn what is needed to pass the license test.
The ARRL Manual has been great, so I will be writing notes and posting additional resources for each chapter as I go through it. My hope is that it might help you decide if this book fits your needs or not. There are plenty of books and courses out there to help get you started. This is just one of many.
Before stepping off into my notes I do have one caveat. The way the pages are numbered I found confusing at first. They are structured with the (Chapter#)-(Page#), so chapter 4 page five is written 4-5. This means there is no running sum of pages. It’s not a huge deal. It just means you have to do some math if you want to track reading progress by pages per day, or using Goodreads. Alright, Lets go!
- Chapter 1: Welcome to Amateur Radio
- Chapter 2: Radio and Signals Fundamentals
- Chapter 3: Electricity, Components, and Circuits
- Chapter 4: Propagation, Antennas, and Feed Lines
- Chapter 5: Amateur Radio Equipment
- Chapter 6: Communicating With Other Hams
- Chapter 7: Licensing Regulations
- Chapter 8: Operating Regulations
- Chapter 9: Safety
As I post the chapter notes the listings above will include links to the notes.
P.S. My links for products are affiliate links. If you find my site useful please consider buying the products your interested in through my affiliate links. This would greatly help fund my future projects and reviews. Thanks!
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